When there was nothing. Just Allah (swt) existed.

In the Qur’ an Allah has actually exposed that the skeptics will frequently turn to numerous ways and also mobilize all their pressures to prevent individuals from relying on Him, sticking to His path and also remembering Him:

Those that disbelieve invest their wealth barring access to the means of Allah. They will spend it; then they will certainly regret it; then they will be overthrown … (Surat al-Anfal, 36).

This labor of resistance might in some cases be executed utilizing open approaches and also means, as well as at other times by the use secret tactics. Yet the purpose is constantly the very same: to prevent the remembrance of the name of Allah as well as hence to transform people far from spiritual moral worths.

The numerous trends that have asmaul husna lately arised at the same time in numerous nations are significant from this perspective. Clearly, these world sights, which talk in veiled regards to a planetary force, a power, or a designer of deep space, however which stubbornly reject to recall the name of Almighty Allah, the only Designer of all points, serve an incorrect function. This might be an initiative to misdirect the spiritual mission in people and also to stop them from living by real religious beliefs.

In mind, this is a job targeted at developing an artificial religious beliefs, a type of mix of Christianity, Judaism and also Islam. Under this synthetic faith, people will accept the presence of a power that brought deep space into being, but the identity of that power will certainly be vague (Certainly Allah is beyond that); they will certainly not remember the name of Allah, and will certainly not find out and value His great features as they should. They will overlook the reality that He is the only Designer and also Lord of the entire cosmos, and there will hence be no requirement for them to live by the spiritual rules He exposed to mankind.

It is clear that this represents a severe risk to spiritual ethical values. This is why true followers have to be on their guard against motions that avoid remembering the name of Allah and also openly mentioning that Almighty Allah developed the entire cosmos from absolutely nothing, and that rather look for to conceal behind confusing and also indirect terminology such as a designer, a cosmic force, or power.

For genuine believers, recalling the name of Allah and exalting His glory is an excellent religious observance, a source of enthusiasm as well as enjoyment, executed with happiness and also love. As is disclosed in the knowledgeable: “He is Allah – the Creator, the Maker, the Giver of Type. To Him belong one of the most Beautiful Names. Every little thing in the heavens as well as Planet proclaims Him. He is the Almighty, the All-Wise,” (Surat al-Hashr, 24) those that think that Almighty Allah flawlessly produced all points from absolutely nothing ought to really feel a terrific sense of honor at remembering our Lord by His most wonderful names.

A Muslim Rejoices at Recalling the Name of Allah.

As we are notified in another verse, “Your Lord is Allah, That created the paradises and also the Earth in six days and then settled Himself strongly on the Throne,” (Surat al-A’ raf, 54), our Lord is Almighty Allah. He is the Developer of all. He is Guardian over all points. He is the single owner of the paradises and also the Earth, as well as all that lies between. There is nothing else god yet Him. Knowledgeables expose that Allah, our Lord, is superb and excellent:.

… That is Allah, your Lord. Honored be Allah, the Lord of all the globes. He is the Living – there is no god but Him – so contact Him, making your faith regards His. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds. (Surah Ghafir, 64-65).

Among the duties of the faithful throughout their lives is to communicate the message, to put it simply to talk individuals of the existence and entirety of Allah, to call them to truth religion, to urge what is best and prohibit what is wrong. The nature of the path that Muslims have to comply with in releasing this ethical obligation can clearly be seen in the Qur’ an and the life of the Prophet (saas). As always, a Muslim must be honest and honest in communicating the message, and also should not neglect that it is Almighty Allah That will lead to truth course. It appears that this will certainly not be feasible without recalling the name of Allah and informing individuals of His presence and also oneness. Muslims should describe the existence of Allah and His features in the manner and style He exposed in the Qur’ an. The glorious characteristics of our Lord are disclosed hence in the Qur’ an:.